We are a not-for-profit delivering a free, GP led, mobile medical service to people experiencing homelessness.
Background statistics
In the context of a wealthy industrialised society, homelessness is a visible indicator of poverty, community disadvantage and social exclusion. The number of homeless persons in Australia has increased by 5.2% between 2016 and 2021 – rising to 122,494 people in 2021. Of the Australian states, NSW and VIC recorded the largest number of people experiencing homelessness with 35,011 and 30,660 individuals respectively.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2021
Problem statement
People who experience homelessness are at a significantly higher risk of suffering from poor health outcomes, including higher morbidity and mortality. This is due to a number of challenging barriers that limit their access to healthcare. This is due to a number of complex and challenging barriers.
PRoposed solution
A medical service on their terms, in their territory in a setting where they are comfortable. A GP led, truly mobile, medical clinic which collaborates with pre-existing homeless charities, shelters, and services to provide primary healthcare specifically for the homeless community.
Find out about our organization,
mission, our methods, and the results of our advocacy.
Want to join our goal of alleviating the health-burden to the homeless community? Find out how here